Analysis of MEMS based Piezo-electric Micro Pump

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The simulation is referenced from the research: Development of PZT Actuated Valveless Micropump (source:

1. Describing the problem

The following figure is the design of the pump including:

  • 02 inlet and 01 outlet
  • Diaphragm pump is made of Brass. The disk is made of PZT-5H
  • Excitation condition (applied on PZT plate): voltage source is set according to the function V=Vmax*sin(f*t) with voltage Vmax=80V, frequency f=100Hz.

Consider in 5 cycles of vibration of diaphragm pump

pump design

Figure 1: Pump design


2. Imposing simulation conditions

Declare PZT-5H material properties using MicroPump ACT

Figure 2: Declaring PZT-5H material properties


Impose electrical excitation to the PZT plate

Figure 3: A voltage of 0V is imposed to the bottom face of the PZT plate

Figure 4: Sinusoidal voltage imposed to the top face of the PZT plate


3. Results

  - Amplitude of the PZT plate without fluid

Figure 5: The maximum vibration amplitude is 12.395um

     - Amplitude of PZT plate with fluid

Figure 6: The maximum vibration amplitude is 4.6um

Flow chart at the pump inlet and outlet    - The result of fluid

Figure 7: Mass flow at Inlet (red line) and Outlet (blue line)



Video describing fluid flow during pumping


4. Conclusion

Compare the vibration amplitude of the diaphragm:

  • The vibration amplitude when there is no fluid is larger than when there is fluid. This is appropriate because of the fluid, it causes lower drag which makes the amplitude smaller.
  • The vibration amplitude of the PZT plate is stable from the 2nd cycle.

Flow at inlet and outlet:

  • During suction process: fluid comes mainly from Inlet and partly from Outlet. But the part from Outlet less.
  • In the process of pushing: fluid is pushed mainly to the Outlet and partly inlet but less.

Thus, the pump works as expected.

Other cases may be performed to optimize the pump design and working conditions of pump.